Andriatsiferana Harifetra

One of the reasons I became a Zoky at TFM is to bridge the generation gaps. Education is the tool to do this. In this project, our way of educating is different from what the students receive in their daily studies. I find that we need to bring education which is relevant to today’s generation. TFM has values that are in line with the relevances which I believe will help our young people. I don’t just teach, I lead.

Syndie Safy Hys

Today when I think about my journey with Teach For Madagascar, I must admit how proud I am! Not only proud of what I have accomplished but I am also so proud of the students, my Zandry*, proud of their progress, their motivation, their learning passion.

Maharavo Rabemananjara

Poor education is a sign of poverty in a country. I joined TFM as a Zoky because I want to share what I have, knowledge, skills, and talents with my younger Malagasy brothers and sisters whom we call Zandry.

Landiarimanana Randriamanantsoa

While many children in this country struggle to access educational opportunities, I’ve had the privilege to study. It’s time to give back. I feel honored to be a part of this movement and serve the future generation of Madagascar

Haritiana Jennica Tovoarivelo

I believe that Malagasy youth can contribute to changing this country. Instead of spending time watching TV or doing nothing at home, we can be active, give our time to our country, and do something for our little sisters and brothers. This is one of the reasons why I have confidence in our project and in our team.

Koloina Andriambolason

As an educated young Malagasy, I’ve come to the realization that I couldn’t close my eyes anymore and pretend to not see the critical challenges facing my country, especially in terms of education. When I found Teach For Madagascar (TFM) and learned about its mission and values, I answered the call without hesitation.

Ando Nampoina Razanajatovo

I believe that Madagascar’s improvement starts with improvement in education.

Olivia Randriatsimivony

I strongly believe in the power of education as the most important engine of development and poverty reduction.

Valérie Rambolamanana

Each student was very focused on the art they created. When the work was completed, each student was asked to come up to show their art. I loved their faces beaming with pride and exuberance over what they have achieved.

Nantenaina Ando Iaviantsoa

It is not about me or the advantages I can get for myself, but the lasting positive impact I can make for Madagascar.

Sariaka Randriamiarimanana

I am convinced that Malagasy youth have the potential to lead Madagascar’s society to a bright future, through an education movement. Through its concrete and local educational actions, TFM becomes a role model of devotion and conviction for the change in Madagascar. And change begins with us.